Monday, November 8, 2010

Vicodin Withdrawal Bloodpressure


On some days, the city council potentino discussing a proposal of the Budget, Federico Pace : the introduction of a TICKET for those who decide to enter the city.
The proposal builds on the initiatives taken by other big cities such as London, Milan and Venice, where this decision was taken to put a stop to pollution or to conserve the heritage of the town. In power, however, this choice is made for one reason only: to make cash . It appears that the scarce resources of the town, some for the drop in revenue, a little to the historical debt. In short, as the same councilor, this ticket (only applicable to non-residents) would be "a viable way to generate funds."
really a bullshit. The people who every day come to power are many, but they do so almost exclusively for business reasons, to reach the administrative offices of each province and region or go to the hospital. This elusive ticket, solely and exclusively affect Who's forced to travel to the capital. to go to work or pay for treatment in hospital? Absurd. Rather, we pignolesi deserve a reward for the courage and the patience to deal with every day that damn level crossing GALITELLO . We are still in 2010 and entry into a city is influenced by a BAR , just like in the Middle Ages ... ... ... think about this Councillor.
Adapted from (


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