Friday, October 29, 2010

Cocky Quotes I Love Me

Young talents pignolesi

Word of Mughal: "if the new musical production continues to rely on television shows, schools, TV, X Factor, Friends and so on, recording contracts will continue to align themselves with the quality but not with the auditel ". Often we hear
Rome and Milan as the two capitals of music, while in reality it is only of productive capital, and instead there is a big musical quality that is developed from the provinces. Our Pignola like it could not be an example?!? Think of Arisa, now an artist known throughout Italy, and Musicamanovella that after the release of their first album "Love is blind or just see us," confirmed to be one of the most popular band in Basilicata, by demonstrating to have all the credentials to present to the Italian public.

's post today is just a component the band crank pignolese: Antonio Paciello, the youngest of the group. Months ago it was dipped in an adventure called "Tour Music Fest - Emerging International Music Festival", an event that offers "real" talent to take the path that leads to the world of music without having to compromise with the majors nor be outnumbered by those who have not a shred of talent and musical training. Antonio has participated in the contest with a piece written to music, played and recorded with his own hand. is titled "The Appointment" , and today we publish on the blog.
Good luck to our neighbor ...

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Keshyog Hair Oil In Hhderabd

The winter time is coming back. Hands back one hour on the night of Saturday 30 and Sunday, October 31. After seven months of daylight saving time at 3:00 triggered Standard Time. We could retrieve the required 60 minutes of sleep in March which has the private sector. The effects of jet lag will be felt in Pignola: sleeping problems, irritability, anxiety, daytime sleepiness, and litigation affect many villagers. The biological clock pignolese put us a few days to get used to the change of hands; Let us hope will be able to do the same the clock in the square that every year is regularly adjusted to the new time only three months after entering the solar time or legal advice.
standard time for us to return heralds the advent of winter, cold and rain take in the arms of our country. However, we hope that pignolesi not give victory to the weather and not be contained within the house. We are a warm people, even and especially during the winter season. The country, even if it proves offers several meeting places during the winter months. Simply search for them or create them with a little imagination. Every self-respecting pignolese in his life had at least one "room" or, in Or will the long winter evenings spent in other places, such as pastry Darimini, the offices of folk groups, at the rectory. And you, where and how to spend and you spent the winter in Pignola? so little room, no room?

Monday, October 25, 2010

Would Stopping Evening Primrose

The hot season ... The best fruit juice ...

Who says that the juice is a juice, mind. The must is a poem taken to excess can cause intestinal problems, but it is a poem that tells Pignola, a poem that flows through the veins of our land and through the screw comes to our heart. Centuries ago we were the land of vineyards and winemakers, but now the times are changed, the truck from male carrying tons of wine grapes in our area have increased from year to year. Few wines pignolesi 100%, but we remain the best.
If he had never heard of, the phase that follows the harvest is the production of must, that the crushing of the grapes in order to obtain the juice which will then be fermented into wine.
days ago we were lucky enough to taste a must totally pignolese, the son of a vineyard site in the district Sciffra, owned by a certain "Rocchino B." (industry experts who will surely have to understand we are referring to) , there are no words to describe its pleasantness, its authenticity and its "pignolesità.