Friday, October 29, 2010

Cocky Quotes I Love Me

Young talents pignolesi

Word of Mughal: "if the new musical production continues to rely on television shows, schools, TV, X Factor, Friends and so on, recording contracts will continue to align themselves with the quality but not with the auditel ". Often we hear
Rome and Milan as the two capitals of music, while in reality it is only of productive capital, and instead there is a big musical quality that is developed from the provinces. Our Pignola like it could not be an example?!? Think of Arisa, now an artist known throughout Italy, and Musicamanovella that after the release of their first album "Love is blind or just see us," confirmed to be one of the most popular band in Basilicata, by demonstrating to have all the credentials to present to the Italian public.

's post today is just a component the band crank pignolese: Antonio Paciello, the youngest of the group. Months ago it was dipped in an adventure called "Tour Music Fest - Emerging International Music Festival", an event that offers "real" talent to take the path that leads to the world of music without having to compromise with the majors nor be outnumbered by those who have not a shred of talent and musical training. Antonio has participated in the contest with a piece written to music, played and recorded with his own hand. is titled "The Appointment" , and today we publish on the blog.
Good luck to our neighbor ...


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